I get up in the morning, I go to school, a happy joyful boy of 17. I hang out with my friends and stay active at school. I come home in the evening, realizing that its just me. My mind starts to think sad thoughts. I think about how I can't wait to leave home and be on my own because I can't look up to my parents as role models. Its pretty upsetting to me that I am a more respected person than my own parents. I have so many dreams and so many things i want to do. I have my parents, especially my father, to look at as role model of what not to be. I can't wait to one day become succesful, start a family, have kids, and live happy. Since I was too young to remember, I have never had a happy homelife. From my parents fighting and relationship issues to money problems. If it has not been one thing it has been another. I don't just say this because my parents and I don't get along because we actually do from time to time, but they really don't understand how I feel. To have all your friends around you have everything they need and to not be able to have the same thing. To have to sacrifice normal things just for your family to get by. I really feel that they don't understand that generations are different. Things are not the same as they were in 1975. I will not however, let my parents mistakes and screw ups keep me down. I WILL go to college(and be the first in my direct family to finish) and do something with my life. I know that one day in the future I will look to my life as it is now as a way of making me stronger and as a means of a success story. I thank God for everything I am given, and I do believe that everything happens for a reason. I will one day have my chance to fly!